Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Obama stands for public option with health care...

In his speech to Congress tonight about health care reform, President Obama stood in support of the public option plan. And that was excellent and necessary. He stood strong for the safety net for people in need of health care. And that was excellent and necessary.

Obama talked about the "ability to stand in others' shoes" and care about them, especially when misfortune occurs. He said families should not go bankrupt because of medical costs and businesses should not have to close because of medical costs. He said people should not have to tell a loved one that they can't get them the health care they need because it's not affordable. He spoke to the vision of the late Senator Ted Kennedy for health care for the nation.

"We did not come here to fear the future. We came here to shape it," Obama said.

1 comment:

  1. It was so refreshing to hear the President talk about our need to think of others! He did what a President should do -- he spoke in favor of the public good.
