Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ralph Nader was correct...again...

Ralph Nader was right, again.

He wanted to forge a third-party alternative to the corporate Democratic Party. He put his reputation on the line, taking considerable criticism, in hopes that something from the left, like the Green Party, would have at least a say at the table of American politics.

Democrats, even the progressive ones, were slow, or completely unable, to grasp the importance of an alternative party.

Their enthusiasm about finally achieving a "liberal" candidate named Obama apparently was based on false hopes. Saddled with a lackluster and corporate two-party system, America has suffered the consequences.

And ironically, it was the outrage and action of people from the right, unhappy with the corporate Republican Party, that actually spawned results in the form of the infamous Tea Party. Though it is only a minority group, it still has power and clout within the Republican Party and thus on the national stage.

Too bad it wasn't the Green Party minority from the left having the influence.

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